fireproof system
Fireproof window system with increased thermal insulation, characterised by fire resistance class EI 30, EW30, E30 according to EN 13501-2:2016-07.
An alternative to the traditional garage
A modern solution for your home
Architectural aluminium systems
for building industries
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Architectural aluminium systems
for building industries
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Architectural aluminium systems
for building industries
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Architectural aluminium systems
for building industries
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Mission and strategy

Aliplast Sp. z o. o. desires to consciously build its brand - a producer in the industry of aluminium systems for the construction industry- in line with the concept of corporate social responsibility. Its mission is based on key issues such as social interests, positive relations with the company’s environment, and care for the natural habitat. Aliplast focuses on active measures directed at areas related to environmental protection, policy of cooperation and dialogue with the local community, as well as transparency of activities carried out with its stakeholders. We implement our business strategy in a responsible and sustainable manner, while ensuring the economic success of the Company. The sustainable development strategy, inscribed in our company’s value system on a par with the economic and social dimensions, imposes on us obligations related to the protection of natural resources and respect for the environment, care for the well-being and development of the employee, as well as pro-social and CSR activities.

Aliplast implements the set goals in the area of social responsibility through:

  • minimising the harmful impact on the natural environment caused by its business activity;
  • implementation of innovative environmentally- friendly technologies;
  • raising awareness and disseminating environmental knowledge among employees and the local community;
  • improvement in the area related to the impact on the natural environment;
  • care to maintain the highest standards in the field of staff management and development;
  • care for the employees and their development;
  • supporting programmes and initiatives in various spheres of social life by engaging in promoting culture and art, popularising a healthy lifestyle, education, leisure, as well as various sports disciplines as part of sponsorship activities;
  • supporting institutions and associations working for the benefit of people in need and the local community as part of charitable activities.

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Aliplast Extrusion, Corialis