Build a future together

Bone Marrow Donor’s Day with Aliplast!

We act and help each day! Bone Marrow Donor’s Day with Aliplast! The registration of potential donors of haematopoietic stem cells or bone marrow for each patient qualified for a transplant took place in Aliplast on 11 May 2022 (Wednesday). We are carrying out this our action with Budmar.

 Are you healthy? You are invited to our consulting outlet: join the fight against blood tumours and perhaps someone will get a chance of life thanks to you in a few months!

 Who can be a donor?

Every healthy person aged between 18 and 55 and not heavily overweight can register. It only takes a moment and consists of an initial medical examination, filling out a personal data form and a swab taken from the inner side of a cheek. Swabs will be taken by the qualified medical staff. The collected sample will make it possible to determine antigenic compatibility traits and if the donor’s genetic code corresponds to the genetic code of the patient the transplant will be made. All those willing to register should bring an identity document with the PESEL number.

Location: conference room (main building, ground floor)

10.00-10.30 – information meeting

10.30-16.00 – medical examination/sample collection

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