Build a future together

"Ekologia w obiektywie" photography competition

We would like to invite our employees to participate in the Photography Competition entitled "Ekologia w obiektywie” (Capturing ecology).

  • The participants’ task is to take a photo promoting the idea of environmental protection and the eco-friendly attitude.
  • The awarded and distinguished submissions will be published in the form of the Aliplast Group Employee Calendar for 2022, and the authors of the best photos will receive prizes.
  • We await your submissions until 24 October 2021.

Detailed information:

  • Photographs should be submitted in electronic form to the following e-mail address: Iwona.olszewska@aliplast.pl with the annotation „Konkurs Fotograficzny ekologia w obiektywie” 
  • Submitted photographs should be described as follows: First name_Surname _Photo title.
  • Photographs will be saved in JPG format, minimum resolution: 300 dpi.

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Aliplast Extrusion, Corialis