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Fat Thursday at Aliplast

In Poland, Fat Thursday (known locally as Tłusty Czwartek) is a holiday also referred to as zapusty (Old Polish word for ‘carnival’) or mięsopust (Old Polish word for ‘farewell to meat’). It is one of the last festivals marking the end of carnival.
The deep-fried pączki (filled doughnuts) most probably date back to Ancient Rome, or the Middle East, depending on the sources. It was in fact the Arabic cuisine that would offer pączki as a sweet variety for the first time in history. They were eaten to celebrate the farewell to winter and the advent of spring. In Poland, pączki settled for good in the fifteenth century. In the beginning, they were prepared as a savoury treat. The breakthrough came in the sixteenth century when people started to sprinkle the pastry with sugar. We bid farewell to the carnival with a strong and sweet accent. A doughnut for every employee of the Aliplast Group!

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