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New tree planting certificate for Aliplast Group

Did you know that a single tree produces 140 kg of oxygen per year?

Trees act as an air filter, cleansing the air of excess CO2. In addition, they cool our planet. That is why caring for them is so important.

TÜV NORD Polska is a certification body with which we have cooperated for years. To mark its 30th anniversary, TÜV NORD Polska will be running the following campaign: 1 AUDIT = 1 TREE.

Aliplast Sp. z o.o. and Aliplast Extrusion have once again undertaken a recertification audit of their integrated management system for compliance with the ISO 9001/ ISO 45001/ ISO 14001 standards. The recertification audit was carried out by TÜV NORD. The audit concluded on 27 September with positive results. This only confirms that our products are manufactured in compliance with internal procedures, instructions and technology, as well as legal requirements and that the range offered is of high quality and produced under conditions that are safe for our employees as well as its users.

According to the assumptions of the 1 AUDIT = 1 TREE project, together with TÜV NORD we planted 2 trees. They have become part of a remarkable forest, as TÜV NORD Poland has already planted 1,783 trees!

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