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“Occupational Health and Safety Days” with Aliplast Group

On August 29-30, 2023, the second edition of the "Occupational Health and Safety Days" project took place. In total, more than 400 employees of the Aliplast Group participated in the training and as many as 735 training cycles were held.

This year, our Employees were offered 5 training modules:

  •    “Healthy Spine” – in the comfort of the pergolas, in the fresh air, the Personal Trainer showed each participant how to easily take care of their spine after a hard day's work. As the job specifications vary from position to position, the Personal Trainer tailored the exercises to each individual's needs.
  •    “Testing Protective Equipment” – This workshop gave participants the opportunity to test the protective equipment they use at work with the trainer.
  •   “Safe Driving Zone” –  Safety is also important to us on the way to and from work, so a training session was organised to simulate a rollover in a vehicle.
  •   “VR goggles” –  thanks to the use of VR goggles, each workshop participant was transported into virtual reality, where powerful experiences awaited them (escape from a burning building or first aid).
  •  “Explosions” – the danger of explosions in our plant is real, so there were demonstrations of dust explosions from the powder paint used in the Paint Shop.

What were the most popular modules? These were the “Explosions” and “Safe Driving Zone” classes, which attracted more than 200 people. Employees also appreciated the “Healthy Spine” exercise classes held under our NUUN ECO pergola.

Our goal is to continuously improve the safety and comfort of Aliplast Group employees. 

The “Occupational Health and Safety Days” are not only a promotion of safety among Employees, but also have real results in terms of knowledge of the basic principles of health and safety at work.

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Aliplast Extrusion, Corialis