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Support for refugees from Ukraine - Centroalum S.A.

Another company from the Corialis Group - Centroalum S.A. from Spain supports our activities. This time as many as 11 pallets with medical, food and textile products have arrived.
The received products will help several centers supported by our company in cooperation with the Yacht Club Politechniki Lubelskiej - YCPL and Tawerna La Traviata.

Our donations support, among others, „dom przy Liliowej”, „Ośrodek Leśna Ryba”, Center for Good Education of the Happy Childhood Foundation, the reception point at the school in Rzeckiego Street, our employees who have taken care of Ukrainian refugees families - wherever there are those in need. A large part of medical and food supplies through „SOS Ukraine” also goes directly to Kyiv - Ukraine.

In difficult situations, it is good to have a partnership you can count on!

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