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Support for refugees from Ukraine - Profils Systèmes

Another delivery of donations for our Ukrainian friends reached us on Friday 18 March. This time, we received them from Profils Systèmes from France. We are proud to be a part of the Corialis Group community that has been reliable as usual! Our aid map is growing: we are able to help many centres offering aid to the refugees thanks to the deliveries we get. The Leśna Ryba Centre in Stara Jedlanka, SOS Village in Biłgoraj, SOS Village in Kraśnik and DH Helios in Lublin are some of the aid centres to which we deliver food, cosmetics, medical products or toys.

We would like to thank Yacht Club of the Lublin University of Technology and La Traviata Tavern for the continued cooperation and logistics.

Thank you all for your help and commitment.

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