Build a future together

Trees for bottles project

We invite you to take part in the ‘Trees for bottles’ project organised by the Aliplast Group. The action organised on the occasion of the International Earth Day is addressed to primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and employees of the Aliplast Group. Its goal is to model good examples for the young generation and take care of the environment.

The ‘Trees for bottles’ action is about the exchange of plastic bottles: 30 1.5 l bottles for one tree (30 plastic bottles = 1 tree).

The action starts on 22 April (Earth Day) and the finals, i.e. the award of trees will take place during the Children’s Day meeting in Aliplast on 1 June. 

Our projects are a part of the PLGBC (Polish Green Building Council) activity called ‘Earth Day – Building Sustainable Future’.

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Aliplast Extrusion, Corialis