Build a future together

Uczeń i Uczennica Przyszłości with Aliplast

On Wednesday, 15 May, we were visited by pupils from Primary School No. 28 with Integrated Branches in Lublin and Maria Konopnicka Primary School No. 52 in Lublin. The visit was part of the Pupil of the Future project.

The pupils had an opportunity to learn more about 3D printing and how it is used by the Aliplast R&D Department in the design process of aluminium systems.

The Pupil of the Future project focuses on the development of the technical competences and skills of pupils from primary schools in Lublin and their teachers, using equipment purchased by the schools under the Laboratories of the Future programme. The main purpose of the project is to support the development of qualifications with the use of the equipment available to schools and using the FabLab idea to learn how to use new technologies creatively.

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